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Privacy Policy

Wall Art keeps your Private and professional information in its highest concern and interest. We have created this privacy policy in order to convey you the message that we have our continuing commitment to value and keep your personal information at safer side. We make sure that none of your personal information plus your professional information is not misutilized by any source.

Some of your information that we require for contacting you and providing the best quality of products and services. :-

a)    Email Id Details

b)    Contact Details

How Do We Utilize the Information provided by you:-

For administering our Business activities, knowing about your actual requirements and helping you out by providing the best possible solutions to your problems.

Occasionally, we may also make use of your information to notify you regarding any addition of any new product or services to wall art family along with the discount details.

Please note that we reserve the right to amend these private policies at any time with or without any prior notice.